Support our Climb to Beat Ovarian Cancer

Jo Rosenberg

The Snowdon Scramblers

Team captain: Jo Rosenberg


We are the Snowdon Scramblers! Five fearless fabulous friends who have each been touched by Cancer, directly or through loved ones. Dianne was a very special friend of ours and her story is one that shouldn't be repeated.

We're joining the climb to beat Ovarian Cancer by trekking 1,085m to the top of Snowdon... in the dark! With just head torches and the moon to light our path, we ascend the mountain to reach the summit after midnight and descend as the sun begins to rise. 

Ovarian Cancer could affect any one of us; our friends, our daughters, our mothers, and we want to help this amazing charity to empower women to seek medical advice if they feel something isn't right. Early detection of Ovarian Cancer is key to more successful outcomes so being aware of changes to our bodies and what to look out for is vital.

Please please support our mission to help the Dianne Oxberry Trust to continue raising awareness of the sneaky symptoms of Ovarian Cancer because early diagnosis can save lives.

Our "expedition" begins on Saturday 22nd May 2021. Whatever you can give, however big or small will be hugely appreciated.

Thank you so very much.


Jo, Lou, Steph, Jo & Rachel xx


For more information on symptoms













  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors


We are the Snowdon Scramblers! Five fearless fabulous friends who have each been touched by Cancer, directly or through loved ones. Dianne was a very special friend of ours and her story is one that shouldn't be repeated.

We're joining the climb to beat Ovarian Cancer by trekking 1,085m to the top of Snowdon... in the dark! With just head torches and the moon to light our path, we ascend the mountain to reach the summit after midnight and descend as the sun begins to rise. 

Ovarian Cancer could affect any one of us; our friends, our daughters, our mothers, and we want to help this amazing charity to empower women to seek medical advice if they feel something isn't right. Early detection of Ovarian Cancer is key to more successful outcomes so being aware of changes to our bodies and what to look out for is vital.

Please please support our mission to help the Dianne Oxberry Trust to continue raising awareness of the sneaky symptoms of Ovarian Cancer because early diagnosis can save lives.

Our "expedition" begins on Saturday 22nd May 2021. Whatever you can give, however big or small will be hugely appreciated.

Thank you so very much.


Jo, Lou, Steph, Jo & Rachel xx


For more information on symptoms